As soon as you step inside, you will see why families love to bring their children to Southside Kids Childcare Centre!

Current spaces:

Our Under-two spaces are currently full until later in the year. (but feel free to contact us if you would like to join our waiting list)

We have limited spaces for Over-twos.

Contact us now to find out if we can suit your Whānau’s needs and arrange a visit.

Visits can be anytime between 9-11am or 1-3pm.

At the centre

We provide a safe and nurturing child care centre and are proud of our reputation within the Wellington community for being dedicated and of course fun!

The curriculum at our child care centre includes routines and regular events/activities, and through children’s and/or teachers initiation, activities that enhance and extend children’s play and thinking. With over 18 years’ experience, we create an environment where children are competent learners.

We focus on children developing social competence to enable them to play and learn with and alongside others. We believe that positive relationships with others is the key to children growing as confident learners and communicators, secure in their sense of belonging and the knowledge that they make a valued contribution to society.

Our kids are interested in the world beyond the fence. To encourage their interest and help them learn about their community and the groups and people who support it we have developed a program around the theme of community. This will include exploring what makes the community around the centre special, walk or drives around the community and visits to local community groups (e.g., SPCA).

Our staff:

  • Qualified, registered early childhood teachers
  • Share a passion for teaching
  • Believe in high quality early childhood education
  • Genuinely care for our kids


  • Full time $290 per week or $200 with 20 Hours ECE funding (for 3+4 year olds).
  • Daily and half day options available for limited spaces.
  • More information on “license & Fees” page.


feel free to take a look or fill them out and email them.

copies of paperwork will be required (such as birth certificate, passport and immunization report)

(a physical copy will be printed off by us at time of enrollment if you prefer to sign that rather than a digital signature).

Education Review Office (ERO) Review

Children benefit from positive relationships with teachers who know them well. Their learning is celebrated throughout the home-like environment. An emphasis on creative arts is evident. Science and mathematics learning are woven into play-based contexts. Routine times are used well for meaningful learning and discussion. Open-ended questioning supports and enhances children’s thinking. A recent success for the service has seen a range of very useful strategies embedded to promote literacy and oral language.